News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

Have Your Say

Your opinion matters to us here at News Bites. So we want to hear it. In Have Your Say, we have polls, surveys and questions that we’d like you to think about and reply to. We also welcome your comments on, well, just about anything related to this month’s issue of News Bites. Feedback on our newspapers is always welcome, so come on in and say hello!

Looking for a particular topic? Enter a keyword in the search bar and we'll take a look for you.

Wacky World of Sports

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Oil and the Environment

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What's your WWW Fave in Issue #21

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Should the Olympics go ahead?

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What's your WWW Fave in Issue #20

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Your fave WWW story in Issue #19?

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Secret Footballer Quiz (March)

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March's Wise Words

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What's your fave March WWW story?

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February's Secret Footballer

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February's Wise Words

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What's your fave Feb WWW story?

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Secret Footballer Quiz

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Fave January WWW story?

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January's Wise Words

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December's Wise Words

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Toys Fads of the Ages

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Favourite WWW news, please

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Fave page in this month's issue

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Boys V Girls in Tech

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This month's WISE WORDS

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This month's WWW poll

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