News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

Should the Olympics go ahead?

The mascots of the Tokyo Summer Olympics, Miraitowa and Someity, have been ready to swing into action since 2020. Yet, with just weeks to go, there is still huge uncertainty surrounding the world’s most famous sporting event. The question on the lips of organisers, athletes, fans and mascots is, will there be an Olympics in 2021? 

‘Yes, of course!’ say the organisers and Japan’s Prime Minister. 

‘No!’ say 60% of the Japanese people, including the sta? of one hospital who put a message in its windows saying, ‘Give us a  break! The Olympics are impossible!’ 

Read our Big Story on Page 3 and have you say. What do you think? 

I think the Games should go ahead.
I think the Games should not go ahead.
I'm not sure.
I would like them to go ahead but I don't think they should.



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