News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

Oil and the Environment

Environmental groups like Greenpeace say that places like the Gulf of Mexico has ‘high biodiversity’ (many varieties of living things) which is seriously threatened by the oil industry.

Greta Thunberg posted a video of the ?re on Twitter, saying, ‘Meanwhile the people in power call themselves “climate leaders” as they open up new oil?elds, pipelines and coal power plants – granting new oil licenses exploring future oil drilling sites. This is the world they are leaving for us.’

Unfortunately, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has been planning to drill more wells and build more oil re?neries. He says oil is ‘the best business in the world’.

What do you think? How bad an impact in oil and oil exploration having on th environment?

I think it is really bad and we should be doing all we can to end oil exploration.
I think oil exploration is too important to the economy and feel it should continue.
I think we need to stop relying on oil so much.
Surely there are ways of exploring for oil and not harming the environment.
I'm not sure what to think.



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