World Kindness Day
Hey there, News Biters! As you will have read on page 6 & 7 in Save the Date, November 13 is World Kindness Day. You can get ready to celebrate it by following our 7 ways of making it a day of kindness like no other.

1. Send a nice text to one of your family members or friends. For no other reason than to be kind. If it makes them smile, you've nailed it! |
2. Help at home without having to be asked. There is nothing better than hearing a young person offering to help! |
3. Share a joke with your friends. Nothing beats a good laugh, especially when it is based in kindness. |
4. Compliment someone. Maybe your teacher, or you mum or dad. And mean it :) Nothing beats hearing something nice being said about you. Chances are you'll get one returned to you. |
5. Chat to someone in school you might not normally talk to. By doing this, you are showing kindness and friendliness, and making someone feel valued. |
6. Play with your younger siblings. And play a game that they really like - even if you don't. If you are showing kindness, it's very likely you will end up enjoying the activity, not to mention making your little brother or sister very happy! |
7. Tell your loved ones that you ... well ... love them! Of course, they will know this already, but nothing beats hearing it (for them) and saying it (for you)! |

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