News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

Moving House ... No, Seriously!

Hundreds of onlookers turned out in a San Francisco neighbourhood recently, as a 139-year-old house changed its address. The beautiful two-storey house was loaded onto  ?at trailers and moved from 807 Franklin Street to 635 Fulton Street.

The half-kilometre move was tricky, as the house was almost 25m long and part of the journey was downhill. However, the driver managed to maintain a steady speed of 1.5km/h, and the move was completed without a hitch.

The owner of the six-bedroom house, Tim Brown, paid about $300,000 in moving costs and fees. Don;t worry too much about that though. Tim plans on building an eight-storey apartment block on the site where his house used to sit. 

The most amazing part was how they actually did it: The builders (movers) set to work punching holes in the foundation to insert steel beams under the house itself. The house and its steel reinforcements were then lifted with hydraulic jacks up onto the massive moving truck.  

When Tim said he was moving house, I guess he really meant it, eh!



Stephen Keane

Love this story!

7/15/2021 8:18:07 AM


Stephen Keane

Love this story!

7/15/2021 8:17:54 AM


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