News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

Meet One of Nature's Tough Guys

Now that you have read about the water beetle that can survive been eaten, check out his cousin who claims to be just as tough!

The diabolical iron-clad beetle' s armour-like shell is so tough, it can take a load of at least 39,000 times its own body weight before the exoskeleton (shell) begins to break.

Scientists have carried out experiments on di?erent types of beetles but they found that no other beetles could bear the force that the iron-clad beetles could. While conducting their tests, they also used computers and 3D-printed models so that they could understand how the di?erent parts of the beetle’s shell help to protect it.

They discovered that the iron-clad beetle has interconnecting blades which are joined together by a line down the middle of its belly called a suture. These help to spread out the force and protect the beetle from getting squashed.

Engineers believe that this discovery could inspire the invention of new materials with the same toughness which could be used to make machinery safer and longer-lasting!




Ok my god! I can’t believe that this tiny beetle can actually take on a weight 39 000 times of it! That’s ABSOLUTELY unbaa-lievable!??

1/6/2021 8:03:51 AM


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