News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students


Welcome, News Biters! 

We hope you had a good month and enjoyed the thrills and spills, the joy and jubilation of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. It was a very di?erent, but very enjoyable, Games – and the best news is we only have three years to wait until the next one. 

In this issue, we are celebrating an important milestone for the World Wide Fund for Nature, previously known as World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This organisation was founded in 1961 and has spent the last six decades protecting our planet and our animals. Head to pages 12 and 13 to learn more about the mission of the WWF and, more importantly, what you can do to help. 

All your favourites are in here, as usual. If  it’s news you are after, check out pages 3 to 7. If you’re a movie fan, head to page 8 where we feature our top three movies to watch this month. If sport is your thing, you’ll ?nd lots to feast on from page 21 onwards. 

As always, if you have book reviews, poems or stories you’d like to share with fellow News Bites readers, you can email them to or drop us a comment on the website

See you in October,
