News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

Issue No.23, August 2021

Hello readers,

As always, you are very welcome to this month’s issue of News Bites, the monthly newspaper that engages, informs and inspires. 

After much uncertainty over the last number of months, the Tokyo Olympic Games finally got under way in a colourful and entertaining opening ceremony on July 23. With athletes from all over the world competing for that coveted Olympic gold, this sporting spectacle is proving to be very much worth the wait.

To help keep you up to date on the talking points, medals, records and news, we'rve compiled the best from Tokyo 2020 in our News Bites Olympic Newsroom special. 

You can check it out on pages 12-14 and be sure to save the dates for upcoming events you don't want to miss out on.

In this month’s Big Story, we’re taking a look at a news story that dominated the headlines last month.  Mexico’s state oil company, Pemex, claimed responsibility for a gas leak that started a fire in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Check it out on page 3 and let us know what you think in our online poll, Have Your Say.

So, enough from me. You’ve got stories to read, facts to feed on, puzzles to solve and online content to enjoy. Just make sure you remember to come up for air!

Enjoy the Games, enjoy the read, and we’ll see you in September for another jam-packed issue of your favourite newspaper, News Bites.