Welcome, News Biters!
Another month in, another jam-packed issue of News Bites for you to feast on.
We hope you enjoyed last month’s techie treats from CES2021 and everything else we managed to squeeze into issue #18.
This month sees us take to the seas as we recount one of the greatest voyageS of discoveries ever taken by man. April 27 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer who end up losing his life in an attempt to circumnavigate the world. This extraordinary feat of courage and strength is worth learning about, as it became a pivotal event in the history of mankind. So, come meet Magellan on pages 11-13.
This month also marks another important anniversary which we look at in detail in this month’s Big Story. Instead of the seas, we turn to the sky (and beyond) as we recall the maiden journey of man into space. Just like Magellan, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin dared to go where no-one had ever gone before. Unlike the Portuguese adventurer, this Russian explorer was lucky enough to return home to tell the tale.
As with every issue of News Bites, we’d like to think we’ve included something for all interests. So whether motors is your thing, or geography your passion, sit back and enjoy your newspaper. It’s the least you deserve.
Of course, if you have book reviews, poems or stories you’d like to share with fellow-News Bites readers, you can email them to hello@newsbitesmedia.com or drop us a comment here on the website.
Talk to you again in May,