News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students

The Giant Pacific Octopus

OK, guys, now that you have read about the Giant Pacific Octopus, let's see if you were paying attention. 8 statements below -- 5 correct, 3 incorrect. Can you find the trio of intruders? 

There are 3 intruders - can you find them?

The Giant Pacific Octopus prefers nice warm water over cold water.
The Giant Pacific Octopus is the largest of all octopus species in the whole world.
The Giant Pacific Octopus has two hearts.
The Giant Pacific Octopus has nine brains.
The Giant Pacific Octopus can change colour in less than a second.
The male Giant Pacific Octopus will die shortly after breeding.
The Giant Pacific Octopus lives in groups of 7 or 8 called schools.
The young of a Giant Pacific Octopus hatches from eggs the size of rice grains.




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